Global Publications Apps

Anti Inflammation Diet 1.1
If you want to boost your physical- mentalstates, to fight inflammation and be more energized, than takingcare of your diets is a big part. Dietary choices play a big rolefor optimal health. Specific foods can REDUCE INFLAMMATION in thebody, providing your best strategy for protecting against deadlydiseases.A high intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds,healthy oils and fish may have a reduced risk forinflammation-related diseases & provide steady energy and amplevitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids dietary fiber, andprotective phytonutrients.The ANTI INFLAMMATION DIET APP provides the recipes from breakfastto dessert along with Meal Suggestions, Dietary Guidelines and lotsof tips and food list that can help you heal yourinflammation.The recipes are easy, tasty & care has been taken to includecarbohydrates, fat, and protein at each meal.Combat inflammation inside your body and get Stronger HealthierHealing Body.
Flat Belly Tea Detox 1.1
Want to cool off and lose weight? Brew asoothing & calming cup to slim down steadily and enjoy the manyhealth benefits of natural tea!HERBAL, DETOX TEA is a kind of Healthful Indulgence, a gentlerapproach to the whole idea, namely because it involves adding a fewherbal cups to your existing, healthy diet—instead of replacingmeals entirely.This App Flat Belly Tea Detox leads you to the goodness that willfill you up and relax your soul along the way.Instead of groggily reaching for your mug of coffee every morning,opt for a steaming cup of FLAT BELLY TEA. Many scientific studiessupport the health benefits of HERBAL, DETOX TEA- that the special,protective, healing properties of herbs and spices can continue tosupport, restore, and revitalize our bodies, minds, and spiritstoday and for generations to come.FLAT BELLY TEA DETOX is to boost your metabolism, burn morecalories and feel fabulous, just stir up & savor thatenchanting sips, relax in a hammock, and let the magic happen! Wantsome more reasons?1. Most teas in the DETOX Category have an ingredient that acts asan appetite suppressant.2. These teas give an energy boost to get your metabolismstarted.3. They curb the tendency to snack on junk during day.4. Unlike a juice cleanse, you’re not cutting on any actualmeals.5. The teas help flush out your system and aid in digestion.Get all the information about kinds of teas, qualities &benefits, how to brew a perfect pot of tea, ways to increaseconsumption, science behind green tea and weight loss, Oolong tea& weight loss, its benefits, traditional method for brewingYerba Mate tea, the best ways to use pu-erh tea to lose weight plus50+ recipes and more.
Revolutionary Air Fryer 1.1
The AIR FRYER can be used in many ways to helpmake your hectic, daily life more manageable. Prepare multipledishes at once, prepare any type of meal at any time of the daywith this easy to use and assemble AIR FRYER.The AIR FRYER is a new revolutionary way of frying food, a totallyhealthy way to cook a huge variety of meals at your home. Whetheryou want to fry, bake, grill or roast ingredients, the air fryercan do it all with little to no oil, making it the perfect solutionfor fast and healthy meals and snacks with the advantage of weightloss!Eat healthier without giving up the flavor, texture and taste ofyour favorite foods. Make your cooking experience easy &pleasant.The recipes are simple, made with basic easily availableingredients and the instructions here are provided in a mostcomprehensive way. Enjoy the type of food that you eat daily &that anyone can make. This app offer you a wide range of air friedrecipes for breakfast, appetizers, side dishes, main dishes and,desserts that are quick and easy to prepare using very little oil,mess free. Do try these recipes and enjoy healthy cooking.REVOLUTIONARY AIR FRYER app contains all the Essential Infoabout:• Ways to use an Air-Fryer• Cooking time and kind of bake ware• Amount of food to prepare in it• About Oil• Using baking paper or aluminum foil• Preheating and cooling down before storing• Multiple dishes• Cleaning of air fryer & ease of using it• Variety of 80+ dishes right from breakfast to desserts!
Raw Desserts 1.0
Raw food desserts are the easiest andmostdelicious! They are far superior for human health,childhoodhealth, and the health of our planet than the traditionalstandardcounterpart.It’s time to throw away the notion that dessert is "bad."Thisstyle of eating is both healthy and delicious. You'll noticethatyour body responds differently to raw desserts than it doestoregular cooked ones. You'll feel light and energetic aftereatingthem instead of tired and heavy.It's a creative, fun process which can be as simple or asgourmetas you want it to be!The fun part is, now you can indulge in cakes &sweetswithout refined sugar, gluten, dairy or soya.And, you can make your very own, individual dessert totakehome.These Raw sweet could open the door for personalhealthtransformation – especially in those extremely pickyeaters!Raw desserts are made with real food, packed with nutritious,andvoid of most common allergens.Sweets, made from the likes of nuts, dates, coconut, coconutoil,coconut milk, cacao, rice malt syrup, maple syrup, honey andagavenectar, are not only healthy comparing to compare totraditional onebut are really delicious and taste even better,which is great!And believe it, people who are used to normal sugarytreatsswitch over to them really easily.Traditional baking will make you hungry straight afterhavingthem because there’s nothing good in them. What’s the pointofeating something that will not give you any form ofnourishmentwhatsoever? Whereas for Raw Desserts, You can have asmaller amountand you’ll feel full and satisfied because you’regettingwholesome, real, nutrient-dense food and you’ll getnourished fromthem.In addition to being incredibly tasty, raw desserts can alsobesome of the healthiest and most planet-friendly options!Making raw desserts is fast, doesn’t require you to“cook”(no-bake), and making raw desserts is also easier than youmightexpect. Better yet, your waistline will also thank you.The beauty of vegan baking and raw cake-making is that youcantotally reinvent classic dishes.In this Simple Raw Desserts APP you’ll find:Insanely-delicious yet filling and comforting 65+ dessertrecipeswith easy tactics to enhance flavor & make your rawdessertstaste divine!
Food That Fight PCOS 1.1
FOODS THAT FIGHT PCOS is the most helpful appthat guides you to take control of your life and regain your healthby just changing your diet a little bit with the right nutritionalapproach & best natural self-help remedies. This app containseverything women need to know about PCOS--fromIdentifying warning signsSeeking a diagnosis to finding emotional support in recovery72 easy-to-make recipesExtensive shopping listsHelpful tips and information on how to improve your overalldietSample menuAt a time when you may be feeling helpless and confused, sufferingfrom serious symptoms, such as infertility, early miscarriage,chronic pelvic pain, weight gain etc. what you need is to restore anormal cycle by resetting your hormones with a little change inyour diet, exercise & lifestyle. Beat PCOS, Manage your healthbe able to conceive a child, lose weight, reduce acne and hairloss, have more energy, and protect yourself from future diabetesand heart problems.
Mediterranean Diet 1.1
The human body can rapidly gain weight fromimproper diet, the body is able to quickly lose weight with propernutrition. And The Mediterranean Diet is a wholesome diet thatprovides you with all the nutrition you need.The Mediterranean Diet is full of wonderfully delicious,flavor-filled dishes and meals.It is a way of eating based on the traditional foods (and drinks)of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. TheMediterranean Diet is not a diet, as in “go on a diet,” even thoughit is a great way to lose weight or improve your health. Rather, itis a lifestyle – including foods, activities, meals with friendsand family, and wine in moderation with meals.The aim may include weight loss, heart and brain health, cancerprevention and diabetes prevention and control.This App gives a complete details of the foods that you can eat foreach meals. Also details about:• What is the Mediterranean Diet?• What make it unique?• What Should You Eat?• Health-Giving Principles of the Mediterranean Diet• Composition of Mediterranean Diet• Nutrition Powerhouse Foods• Nutritional Benefits• Tips to Get Started• Snacking Ideas• Kitchen Set Up• 7-Day Sample Meal Plan• FAQ• Flavorful Mouthwatering 80+recipesMediterranean Diet Recipes is low in saturated (animal) fats, suchas occur in red meat, lard, milk, butter, and cheese, and itexcludes trans-fatty acids (produced by the hydrogenation ofvegetable oils in the manufacture of margarine, shortening, andsubstitutes for animal fats used in cooking and frying).Mediterranean Diet Recipes is high in flavonoids from peppers,tomatoes, onions, berries, tea, and red wine, which exert anantioxidant effect on LDL cholesterol and are also believed, on thebasis of limited studies, to reduce cardiovascular mortality.The Mediterranean Diet Works Because:• It’s high in plant foods.• It contains mostly unsaturated fats.• It minimizes animal protein and dairy which create a state ofmetabolic acidity in your body.• It emphasizes local, seasonal, organic produce.• The diet is high in antioxidants.• It is minimally processed, so it protects you against the manydiseases associated with processed foods.• It contains an exercise component.• It is low in sugar.• The diet is high in fiber which helps promote colon health,keeping your bowel free of toxins.• It balances Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats.
Green Smoothies Cleanse 1.1
If you have over indulged during festival orsimply wants to shed few pounds then this App is perfect to detoxyour body system & to boost your digestive system, strengthenyour immunity and re-energize.This is a very simple and maintainable program; the averageweight loss is 10 to 12 pounds in 10 days.A Pre-Post Festival Green Smoothies is a complete meal made upof a lot of vibrant colored fruit and a vegetable, bursting withflavor as well as nutrients, that’s easy to make, leaves you fulland satisfied, and tastes great. Give your body a nutritional boost& Lead towards fitness-oriented lifestyle.Green Smoothie Cleanse a great way to heal constipationnaturally, internal cleanses, and it is one of the Quickest andmost natural way having gorgeous skin, thick, lustrous hair, a slimbody and boundless energy.This App provides you with 100+ recipes for various healthconditions, plus all other essential Info to make the diet simpleand doable. The included chapters are:• Why Green Smoothie Cleanse?• Smoothies & Weight Loss• Steps to Make the Diet Simple & Maintainable• Delicious Weight Loss Green Smoothie Basics• How to Make A Big, High-Calorie Green Smoothie Meal for WeightLoss• Green Smoothie Cleanse Diet- Fitness-Oriented Lifestyle• Blending Tips• Quick & Short-Listed Shopping List• Smoothies for Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails• Cleansing Smoothies• Detoxification Smoothies• Heart Healthy Smoothies• Immune Boosting Smoothies• Smoothies for Energy• Anti-Aging Smoothies• Kid-Friendly Smoothies• Constipation Relieving Smoothies• Stress Relieving Smoothies• Diabetes/ Blood Sugar Control Smoothies• Smoothies for Athletic Performance• Smoothies for Athletic Performance• Smoothies for Bones and Joints• Smoothies For Weight Loss & Fat Burning• Filling Ever Green Smoothies
Acid Reflux Diet 1.1
Proper & well balanced diet is the key tofix the ACID REFLUX. By making little change in diet you can easilyreduce the stress on digestive system & get rid of heartburn,burning sensation into the esophagus & a peculiar sour taste inthe mouth.HEAL THE ACID REFLUX and also accelerate weight loss by simplyavoiding junk food & caffeine instead include complexcarbohydrates, low acidic, low in saturated fats & low insodium food. Fiber rich, nutritious & low fat diet absorbstomach acid & helps to absorb stomach acid and tend to soothethe stomach- low fat diet is, in fact, the best ACID REFLUX DIET.Eat four to five small meals instead of two or three large ones& reduce the stress on your digestive system.This ACID REFLUX APP contains:• 101 yummy, easy to make recipes right from breakfasts todesserts.• Step by step instructions with detailed nutritional info• Simple definition of Acid reflux, causes, symptoms, preventionetc.• Essential food listNow you have all the tools to tailor your diet for fixing the acidreflux!
Kombucha Guide 1.1
Convert your tea & sugar into a healthy,nutritious detoxifying beverage-KOMBUCHA.Discover why no other ferment even approaches kombucha in terms ofits sudden dramatic popularity.Enjoy this fizzy wonder drink that is packed full of enzymes,vitamins, minerals and probiotics.This App Kombucha Guide is well equipped with everything thebeginners need to get acquainted with.Learn the easiest way, how to make your own, home brewed excitingand unique flavored kombucha from scratch!Here Is a Preview of What this App is packed with...IntroductionA Role Of ProbioticsAbout Kombucha CultureTypes Of Sugar & Tea Used For Kombucha BrewingTips To Make A Safe, Delicious KombuchaHow To Brew Kombucha At Home?Signs Of Healthy Kombucha BrewHow To Prevent Mold?Choosing Equipment For Brewing Kombucha TeaHow To Make Continuous Brew KombuchaLife Enhancing Health Benefits Of KombuchaFlavoring And Bottling Kombucha TeaHow To Make Extra Fizzy KombuchaTasty Kombucha Cocktail RecipesMuch, much more!Discover A Safer, Cheaper, & Easy Ways To Make Your OwnUnique Flavored Kombucha From Scratch!
Vegan Slow Cooker Recipes 1.0
Slow cooking has been a hot trend sincenearlythe beginning of time. It’s hard to argue against this methodoffood preparation; it enhances flavor, is kind to yourwallet,requires minimal time and effort, and also, enrichnutrition.The health advantages of a plant-strong diet are compellingandwell proven. The Vegan diet consists of all-natural,mostlyplant-based foods. According to many studies it's the wayhumanswere meant to eat.The slow cooker and the Vegan diet are a perfect pairingformodern, busy women who want to live healthy lifestyle. It's easytoforget that it's actually a vegan recipe, since the variationsyouget here is from curries, dals, and steamy stews tocasseroles,chilis, pizza and decadent desserts! Home cooking hasnever beenmore easy, or delicious.This App Vegan Slow Cooker shows you how to createfresh,nourishing cuisine in just few simple steps, using allthehealthiest produce, whole grains, and vegan-friendlyingredientsfound at your local market!Cook meals for your family and friends, without laboring hoursinkitchen, and just because you're saving time and money doesn'tmeanyou're sacrificing taste. Vegetables cooked in a slow cookercanabsorb stocks and spices, giving them fuller flavors.The recipes are reliable, comforting and totallyunpretentiousbut never fails to hit the spot. Also, provided withdetailed foodlist and other vegan substitutes. Life is simpler andhealthierwith vegan slow cooker recipes!
Fermented Foods 1.1
Enjoy your own homemade kefir, kombucha,cultured veggies, sprouted bread, drinks, natural soda, yogurt,cheese, meat, fish and much more. Master the art of home fermentingin an easy to understand and straightforward way.This NATURALLY FERMENTED FOODS App gives not only tasty recipes butalso are filled with helpful tips, information important to safefermenting, and interesting facts for the ease which not only takesthe stress out of at-home fermentation but makes it fun andenjoyable process. Also covered the topics in NATURALLY FERMENTEDFOODS are:1. Introduction of needed equipment and ingredients.2. Great reasons to start making and eating fermented foods.3. Selecting Produce for Fermenting4. Choosing Meat, Eggs, and other Ingredients for Fermenting5. Essential information about fermenting veggies, fruits, grainsetc.6. Troubleshooting80+ Recipes for:• Cultured Vegetable• Cultured Fruit• Fermented Grains• Fermented Drinks• Fermented Dairy Products• Fermented Sauce, Ketch Up & Vinegar• Fermented Fish, Fish Sauce & Meats• Other Delicacies for Breakfast
Daniel Fast 1.1
This App contains absolutely delicious recipesto feed your soul body & spirit, for better nourished &look healthier. Daniel Fast is undertaken by people of all ages formany various reasons. However, whatever your reason is you can becertain that your entire being will benefit from it: Spirit, Souland Body.Daniel Fast teaches self-discipline and provide a focus onspiritual matters through self-denial, It gives our body a chanceto repair itself & cleanses our body of chemicals and harmfulingredients, it is a healthy way of eating & most helpful tomany people who have an inner desire for better health, but can’tdiscipline themselves to avoid foods that are not good for theirhealth.The main portion of the fast made up of fruits and vegetables,which provides plenty of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. DanielFast is a partial fast for blessed health, fitness with beneficialside effects, which occur automatically such as weight loss, bodydetoxification and the disappearance of negative symptoms of illhealth.In the Scripture we see that Daniel ate Only Fruits andVegetables and drank only water. Based on the information that weobtain from the references we understand that the Daniel Fasteating plan is vegan in nature, with additional restrictions.The main portion of the fast made up of fruits and vegetables,which provides plenty of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. DanielFast is a partial fast for blessed health, fitness with beneficialside effects, which occur automatically such as weight loss, bodydetoxification and the disappearance of negative symptoms of illhealth.
China Study Diet 1.1
Get yourself slimmer, healthier, stronger,more energetic simply by eating Wholesome Plant Foods & byeliminating animals and (eventually) animal products like dairy andeggs. There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods thatare not better provided by plants, and animal proteins arecancer-causing.The China Study Diet is more on physical and emotional healing,nutrition-focused program.The China Study Diet foods are full of healthy carbs with no addedfat, little or no added salt & minimal use of sweeteningagents. Eat Whole Foods, at least 90% from Plant Based sources,like whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, andseeds to get the maximum nourishment & to stay slim &slender naturally & of course to lower the risk of contractingheart disease, cancer, and a host of other lifestyleillnesses.This App leads you to a food choices that takes care of yournutritional needs. Since meat is not a part of this diet hence,they will contain less of cholesterol and fat and will be high onfibers.Some of the important nutrients available through these foodsources includes-Protein, vitamin B-12, Calcium, Iron, Zincetc.Enjoy yummy scrumptious 80 + recipes for envious body & healthylifestyle!
Living Keto Life Style 1.0
Ketogenic diet is one which people caneasilymaintain on a long term, and which addresses the root causeof theweight gain. The diet addresses, and in most cases, fixestheunderlying cause of weight gain: a hormonal imbalance.If your hormones, and specifically your blood sugar and insulin,areout of whack, you will be more likely to experience extremehungerand overeat which lead to obesity. The primary fat storagehormonein the body is insulin. So, to manage insulin is very muchimportantif you want to lose weight successfully.Low carb high fat foods keep blood sugar and insulin levels inthenormal range. Ketogenic diet is a Low Carb High Fat dietwhichpromotes fresh whole foods like meat, fish, veggies, healthyfatsand oils. It is sustainable and easy to follow diet. You canloseweight in a healthy, easy way! It also helps to reduce riskfactorsfor diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy,andmore.Reset the body’s enzymatic machinery to use Fat As Its PrimaryFuelsource in the Absence Of Carbs. Eat mouth-watering,nourishingKETOGENIC MEALS, all while dropping weight faster thanyou everthought possible! Shift your body from being a sugar burnertobeing a fat burner and heal your body of damage done by yearsofeating tons of sugar and carbs. This Nutritionally Sound, SafeAndSustainableLIVING KETO LIFESTYLE covers just about everything tosuccessfullynavigate a ketogenic lifestyle for health and ShedThose StubbornPounds.Take the guesswork out and learn, how and why it works and howtobecome a fat burner. Tips and tricks for success on ketodiet,suggestions for eating keto at restaurants, Extensive FoodListWith Macros And Meal Plan For 21 Days along with 95RealFood–Based, Crave-Worthy Keto-Friendly Recipes!
Infused Waters 1.0
Switch your drink choices towater....infusedwater, & transform your health, beat disease& obesity.Infused water with fresh fruit, fragrant herbs, rawveggies, andspices is nutritional, healthy, fresh and all natural.Vitaminwater is perfect for losing weight and getting nutritionalcontentsat the same time. Also, help you to burn fat, ease stress,healminor ailments and curb your sweet tooth. They also make agreatcounterpart to smoothies, & tasted as lovely as theylooked.The beauty of these drinks is that you can make your ownfreshdrink instantly by combining your favorite fruit with water.It’smore than just refreshing – it can help you relax.This App Refreshing Fruit & Herb Infused Water gives somanyoptions for flavored waters to suit your taste and give lotsofvariety. The recipes are divided into categories, especiallythoseused for detox, cleanse, metabolism, spa waters, weight lossetc.It’s well written with lots of helpful information.Here is a brief overview of what’s inside:• A huge collection of 95+ delicious Infused waters withthecombination of the health benefits and taste of fruits, herbsandvegetables.• Zero-calorie, low cholesterol Fruit infused water recipesthatboost your metabolism and help you lose weight.• Fruit infused detox water for stomach health, liverdetox,inflammation, antioxidant boost, detox cleanses, andmore• Low cholesterol, zero calories fruit infused water recipesforflat belly• Fruit infused water recipes perfect for the gym and summer• Sweetly subtle spa Water recipes to stay hydrate &enhancebeauty.• Lots of helpful information on various aspects ofinfusedwaters.• Much more!Take water to another level & learn how to make yourownhealthy, nutritious flavored water with nothing artificial,justthe goodness of real foods, herbs, and spices which arecommonlyfound at the local market.Making your own infused water helps regulate bodytemperature,protect vital organs and even improve the way you look& ispractically calorie free and gives you a refreshing way tostayhydrated.
Easy South Beach Diet 1.0
South Beach Diet is about right carbs&good fats that enable you to achieve vital health & idealBodyweight.South Beach Diet is a nutritious diet plan with three phasesthatoffers a wide variety of delicious food & is flexibleenough towork for people with diabetes, high cholesterol, highbloodpressure, and heart disease. Dishes are easy to make & theplanis easy to customize so that even picky eaters and busy peoplecaneasily fit their lives into it.There are three phases:Phase 1 is of two-week long & is designed to eliminatecravingsfor foods high in sugar & refined starches tojump-start weightloss. You can lose weight-somewhere between 4-6 kg(8-13 pounds) inthe first two weeks alone.Phase 2 is a long-term weight-loss phase. In this phase weightlossshould be in the region of 1-2 pounds per week. You stay inthisphase until you reach your goal weight.Phase 3. This is a maintenance phase meant to be a healthy waytoeat for life. You can eat all types of foods in moderation.Eat smart carbs, healthy fats, lean protein, low fat dairy,andplenty of fiber to keep hunger at bay.This App Easy & Sustainable South Beach Diet contains:Introduction & detail about planDelicious, Nutrient Dense & Fiber Rich Recipes for AllThreePhasesFood listSample Meal Plan &Much more…Stop thinking like a dieter & get started on South Beach Diettobe Healthy Young and vibrant for lifetime. Please Note That ThisAppIs Not Endorsed or Affiliated By Dr. Agatson.
Classic Keto Desserts 1.0
Desserts don't have to be full of sugarandother unhealthy ingredients – they can be perfect treatswithouthaving all that crap ingredients. With a Super Rich &Low Carb,decadent, fat burning CLASSIC KETOGENIC DESSERTS & ICECREAMS,you can safely indulge your sweet tooth without compromisingYOURLOW-CARB PRINCIPLES! The rich and flavorful chilly treat&desserts are guaranteed to satisfy your sweet cravings withoutanyinsulin rush. You will never ever again rely on store broughtcrapthat has loads of refined sugar, colorings, preservatives,andartificial flavors which can cause mental problems, bloodsugarcrashes, and of course, fat gain.This App is recommended for all low carb, keto enthusiasts,andthose who want to try keto diet and prepare delicious, simple,andnourishing desserts that are fast to prepare.Enjoy 50+ fat burning desserts like: mousses, creams, creamyandvelvety smooth ice-cream, cheesecakes, cakes andbiscuits,brownies, tarts, truffles & more.
Bone Broth 1.0
Packed with fat-burningnutrients,skin-tightening collagen components, and gut-healingandanti-inflammatory properties, this traditional household’sbonebroth contains minerals in a form that the body canabsorbeasily—not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus,silicon,sulphur and trace minerals.Bone broth is the magic elixir for making soul-warmingsoups,matchless sauces & countless life-affirming dishes.If you are deeply interested to boost your health and need toknowthe many ways to not only make basic bone broths, but reallytasty,gourmet extra-nutrient dense bone broth than this APP BoneBroth isfor you. Step-by-step instructions that will have you making your OWNBONEBROTH with ease. Interesting info about its history Most Preferred Bones & Flavorful Ingredients It’s nutritional benefits Health applications Cooking and storing the broth Loads of tips Meat stock recipes plus Variety of interesting BONE BROTH-BASED RECIPES